Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hm - something in technology that interests me this week? Well I've just read a rumour about a new Google phone set to debut in January, so perhaps I should wait to see it before I buy the iPhone. This is how fast technology is moving - our toys are obsolete before we buy them!


I learned the meaning of "mashups" and explored the Ap Garden on Flickr. I'm planning to get an iPhone soon so I was interested in the various aps that let you upload photos directly from your phone. Other than that, I learned that there are many strange things growing in this garden - for example a jigsaw ap that lets you spend your spare time going crazy trying to do a photo jigsaw!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Flickr Trip

So I decided to explore my home town in England on Flickr and came across this photo of flooded streets close to where I grew up:

I've been using an alternate photo site called Photobucket to store photos I use in MCPL's Shhhout Out blog. Here's a wonderful Victorian illustration of Highgate Cemetery I found online for a recent blog:


71/2 Habits

I just viewed the 71/2 Habits of Lifelong Learning tutorial. My main challenge is TIME TIME TIME. I enjoy learning new things and have a great deal of fun on the computer with photo projects - creating books with photos and text that tell a story is much more satisfying than sticking photos in an album. I would like more time to learn more creative things.

I'm just starting on 23 Things

I've been busy - and my staff are ahead of me in 23 Things so I need to catch up to them! I already blog so I know the basics but hope to learn more.